Human Growth Pattern: Observations from
the Longitudinal Survey of Babies in 21st Century in Japan

Yukinobu Kitamura

January 2013


This paper analyses the human growth (height and weight) pattern of babies born in January and July 2001, using the longitudinal survey of babies in 21st century conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The human growth is regressed on initial conditions (i.e. height and weight at the birth), economic conditions (i.e. amount of child care expenditure) and individual differences (male, female, and the date of birth). Panel analysis indicates that the fixed effect estimator is selected as the most appropriate descriptions of the data. This implies that the human growth is affected not only by initial and economic conditions but also by other individual specific elements such as parent’s gene. We also identify the growth rate of height and weight per day is higher for those who were born smaller, i.e. human growth pattern follows a catch up mechanism.

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