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2012年度のディスカッションペーパー 2010年度のディスカッションペーパー 2009年度のディスカッションペーパー 2008年度のディスカッションペーパー 21世紀COE Hi-Stat DP アジア長期経済統計DP
昭和恐慌からの農村復興期における農家の資産蓄積行動 ―農林省第3期農家経済調査パネルデータによる分析―
March 2012
March 2012
Ximing Yue, Jing Xu, and Qian Liu
March 2012
Ximing Yue and Jing Xu
Redistributive Impacts of Personal Income Tax in Urban China
(in Chinese)
March 2012
Eiji Kurozumi
Testing for Multiple Structural Changes with Non-Homogeneous Regressors
February 2012
Kazuya Kikuchi
Multidimensional Political Competition with Non-Common Beliefs
February 2012
Shuhei Nishitateno
FDI-Trade Nexus: New Evidence from Product-Level Data
February 2012
Takeshi Nishimura
Scoring Auction by an Informed Principal
February 2012
February 2012 (Revised: August 2012)
Hiroshi Sato and Sai Ding
Local Public Goods Provision in the Post-Agricultural Tax Era in Rural China
February 2012
Binkai Chen, Ming Lu, and Ninghua Zhong
February 2012
Hiroyuki Kasahara, Katsumi Shimotsu, and Michio Suzuki
Does an R&D Tax Credit Affect R&D Expenditure?
The Japanese Tax Credit Reform in 2003
January 2012
Hiroshi Morita
The Effects of Anticipated Fiscal Policy Shock on Macroeconomic Dynamics in Japan
January 2012 (Revised: November 2013)
Takeshi Niizeki
Energy-Saving Technological Change in Japan
January 2012
Loren Brandt, Debin Ma, and Thomas G. Rawski
From Divergence to Convergence: Re-evaluating the History Behind China's Economic Boom
January 2012 (3rd Revision: April 2013)
Yoshiko Nagano
The Philippine National Bank and Credit Inflation after World War I
January 2012
Ken Miura, Hiromitsu Kanno, and Takeshi Sakurai
Livestock Transactions as Coping Strategies in Zambia: New Evidence from High-Frequency Panel Data
January 2012
Masato Ubukata and Toshiaki Watanabe
Market Variance Risk Premiums in Japan as Predictor Variables and Indicators of Risk Aversion
December 2011
Yoshiko Nagano
The Emergence of Modern Banking System in the Philippines during the American Colonial Period
December 2011
Yoshiko Nagano
The Philippine National Bank and Lending in Agriculture: 1916-1930
December 2011
Eiji Satoh
Nontransferable Water Rights and Technical Inefficiency in the Japanese Water Supply Industry
December 2011
Kei Nanamiya
The Wavelet-based Estimation for Long Memory Signal Plus Noise Models
December 2011
Yoshimasa Uematsu
Regression with a Slowly Varying Regressor in the Presence of a Unit Root
October 2011
Yoshimasa Uematsu
Asymptotic Efficiency of the OLS Estimator with Singular Limiting Sample Moment Matrices
October 2011
Toshio Honda
Nonparametric LAD Cointegrating Regression
October 2011 (Revised: May 2012)
Zhao Chen, Ming Lu, and Zheng Xu
October 2011
Yuko Mori and Takashi Kurosaki
Does Political Reservation Affect Voting Behavior? Empirical Evidence from India
September 2011
Kazuharu Kiyono and Jota Ishikawa
Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage
September 2011
August 2011
Kazuya Wada
What Effect Does Female Autonomy Have on Child Health?
Microeconometric Evidence from Rural India
August 2011
Norifumi Yukutake, Shinichiro Iwata, and Takako Idee
Strategic Interaction between Inter Vivos Gifts and Housing Acquisition
Daisuke Nagakura and Toshiaki Watanabe
August 2011
Ashish Arora, Lee G. Branstetter, and Matej Drev
August 2011
― 所得格差分析に向けた地域特徴的経済指標の可能性 ―
August 2011
Kyoji Fukao and Toshihiro Okubo
August 2011
Jouchi Nakajima and Toshiaki Watanabe
July 2011
Toshiaki Watanabe
Quantile Forecasts of Financial Returns Using Realized GARCH Models
July 2011
Masakazu Hojo
Education Production Function and Class-Size Effects in Japanese Public Schools
July 2011
Lixin He and Hiroshi Sato
July 2011
Eiji Kurozumi and Kohei Aono
Estimation and Inference in Predictive Regressions
May 2011 (Revised: April 2012)
Tran Lam Anh Duong
May 2011
Mitsuhiko Kimura
Toward Normalization of Relations with Japan: The Strategy of North Korea, circa 1950 to 1961
May 2011
Hiroyuki Okamuro and Junichi Nishimura
May 2011
Maki Michinaka
April 2011
Eiji Kurozumi and Khashbaatar Dashtseren
April 2011
Yasuhiro Shirata
Formation of Decentralized Manufacturer-Supplier Networked Market
April 2011
2012年度のディスカッションペーパー 2010年度のディスカッションペーパー 2009年度のディスカッションペーパー 2008年度のディスカッションペーパー 21世紀COE Hi-Stat DP アジア長期経済統計DP